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The Global Trail Project

humanizing teens worldwide

Home: Welcome


With team members from nearly every continent, our vast network of teens provides a unique education of the world's cultures to our viewers.


Through articles, social media takeovers, and documentaries, our team educates each other and the world about their backgrounds and cultures.


Our ultimate goal is to give our future leaders an education about global cultures that will be utilized throughout a lifetime.

Home: What We Do


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Connecting students from around the globe

Learn about the lives of teenagers from a diverse assortment of countries, especially those that many Americans do not know much about.

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The Global Trail Project at a Glance

In a world consumed by prejudice, racism, and misunderstandings of foreign cultures, it is now more important than ever that our youth develops a strong understanding of the world and its people. Based in the United States, The Global Trail Project is working to educate young adults from around the world about the lives of their counterparts who live a block away, a country away, and even an ocean away. Through articles, short documentaries, and social media takeovers, we hope to give today's youth an education about the world's cultures that can be utilized throughout a lifetime.

Home: Who We Are
All Hands In
Image by Vitaliy Lyubezhanin

Applications will open in December.

We are in need of a variety of talents!

Learn more about teens from the globe's diverse countries.

Home: What We Do

Contact The Global Trail Project

Thanks for submitting!

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